Категория: 1200 машины и установки для технологических процессов
Последнее обновление: 20.05.2024 добавить в список избранного
Номер позиции: 163452580


check Продавец: Foeth
Местоположение: Barneveld Land-nl

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* General * SKUR0884 * LocationBarneveld * MakeApaco AG (CH) * TypeAW300-2600/20-98 * No.503532/1 * Pressure * Working pressure shell6 Bar * Working pressure tubes3.2 Bar * Tubular vacuum possiblecheck * Main Features * Shell (Material)Stainless steel * Tube (Material)Stainless steel * Surface16 m2 * Specified Features - Shell and tube heat exchanger * MaterialStainless steel 1.4435 (316L) * Heat exchangercheck * Verticalcheck * Heating surface16 m2 * Tube length2500mm * Max. temperature165 degr.C. * Shell diameter324mm * Shell length3200mm * Max. temperature100 degr.C. * Shell connectionsDN200 (1x), DN80 (1x), DN50 (2x) * Cover connectionsDN50 * Information * Floorspace0,7x0,6 M * Total height3,3 M * Weight400 KGShell and tube heat exchangersApaco AGHeat exchangers > Shell and tube heat exchangersBrand > Apaco AG What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a ...

Категория: 1200 машины и установки для технологических процессов
Последнее обновление: 20.05.2024 добавить в список избранного
Номер позиции: 163452650


check Продавец: Foeth
Местоположение: Barneveld Land-nl

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* General * SKUR0884 * LocationBarneveld * MakeApaco AG (CH) * TypeAW300-2600/20-98 * No.503532/1 * Pressure * Working pressure shell6 Bar * Working pressure tubes3.2 Bar * Tubular vacuum possiblecheck * Main Features * Shell (Material)Stainless steel * Tube (Material)Stainless steel * Surface16 m2 * Specified Features - Shell and tube heat exchanger * MaterialStainless steel 1.4435 (316L) * Heat exchangercheck * Verticalcheck * Heating surface16 m2 * Tube length2500mm * Max. temperature165 degr.C. * Shell diameter324mm * Shell length3200mm * Max. temperature100 degr.C. * Shell connectionsDN200 (1x), DN80 (1x), DN50 (2x) * Cover connectionsDN50 * Information * Floorspace0,7x0,6 M * Total height3,3 M * Weight400 KGShell and tube heat exchangersApaco AGHeat exchangers > Shell and tube heat exchangersBrand > Apaco AG What you can expect from Foeth: -- Machine is in working condition -- At a ...

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